The Banzai Battle: To Gate or Not To Gate

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Join us as top industry leaders debate on today's hottest revenue topics. The audience votes on the winner. The Topic: To gate or not to gate...
The Banzai Battle is the only webinar you don't hate coming to.
Join us as top industry leaders debate on today's hottest revenue topics. The audience votes on the winner.
This session we were joined by James Furbush, VP of Marketing at AccessOne and Ilya Gaidarov, Product Marketer at Barracuda.
The Topic:
To gate or not to gate...

James Furbush, VP of Marketing at AccessOne
Ilya Gaidarov, Product Marketer at Barracuda
Ilya is a Product Marketing Manager at Barracuda and drives product marketing for product-led growth and customer insights initiatives on the email protection team. He previously ran marketing for Clearedin and brings expertise in go-to-market execution from more than a dozen product launches across information security, fintech, and edtech SaaS. In another life, Ilya was a commercial/film actor and debated competitively for a decade. He loves sports, mental health, and fat cats.