Hosting a product-focused event is a challenge. You want to showcase your latest feature releases and demo product enhancements while also making sure prospects stay engaged and find value. There are definitely right and wrong ways to do it. Zoho manages to turn three hours of product discussion into relevant use of time away from the office (even for non-users!).
Run an event that isn't terrible with the event planning workbook.
Zoho Product Event Overview
The Zoho One Seminar has been making its way through major cities in the United States. Experts from the Zoho team host users and prospects for a half-day exploration of the Zoho One platform, where each topic is presented by an experienced team member with unique understanding and expertise. The agenda is designed to demonstrate several use cases from marketing to customer service to sales and HR.
The casual atmosphere of the event enabled widespread group participation and helped create dialogues - multiple participants were actively using and taking notes within the platform! Presentations and discussions were not built around slides and bulleted talking points. Instead, presenters spent the majority of their time working directly in the product. They demonstrated tools, tips, and shortcuts for all kinds of users. Prospects left with an in-depth understanding of the Zoho One user interface and current customers got a peek at how recent updates will improve their Zoho experience.
Key Event Takeaways
For those interested in hosting their own product-focused roadshow, it is important to shape your event around three main factors:
- Understanding your target audience
- How you plan to demonstrate your product
- How you will keep your attendees engaged before, during, and after your event
Zoho understood that this event was for active customers and/or engaged prospects. They built the format of their event with their target audience in mind. They also knew that their attendees wanted to see “under the hood” and get a first-hand understanding of how the product works. Finally, they kept their attendees engaged with detailed reminder emails, a social media giveaway throughout the day, and a follow-up email that encouraged attendees to take action and learn more about the next steps with Zoho.
Top Tip from Zoho: Make your presentation available only after your attendee fills out your post-event survey.