An In-Depth Handbook to Virtual Events Management


Victoria Rudi


As remote work and digital communication evolve, virtual events have become crucial for companies and brands looking to establish meaningful connections with their audience. 

Thanks to their ability to transcend geographical barriers and offer unparalleled access to people worldwide, the popularity of virtual events has grown significantly over the past few years. In addition, virtual events management platforms like Demio have simplified the process of planning and hosting these online experiences considerably. 

As a result, virtual events are now vital to securing new growth opportunities for businesses interested in reaching a wider audience and fostering high-quality engagement. 

However, although technology has revolutionized and streamlined planning workflows, virtual events management can still be overwhelming, especially for marketing professionals without an event planning background. 

This comprehensive handbook will explain multiple aspects of virtual events management, including planning, communication, and execution, to help you produce an engaging online experience your audience will love and remember. 

What’s a Virtual Event? 

Virtual events are online gatherings where people worldwide can meet and connect through a platform. Virtual events are entirely digital, and people can attend by accessing via their computers or mobile devices. Their main goal is to provide a digital alternative to traditional in-person events, offering a more accessible way to engage with attendees. 

Through live video streaming, interactive chat rooms, and other digital elements, attendees can engage with event content and other participants in real time. Although virtual events aim to replicate in-person experiences as closely as possible, they offer their own unique advantages. For example, they’re more eco-friendly because they don’t require physical travel, which reduces the carbon footprint. 

They’ve become an increasingly popular way to connect with people and share knowledge, providing a flexible and convenient way to attend gatherings anywhere worldwide. As technology continues to advance, the possibilities for virtual events expand along with it, making them an exciting space for innovation and creativity.

Types of Virtual Events You Can Host

There are multiple types of virtual events, such as: 

  • Conferences

A virtual conference is a large-scale online event that brings together people interested in discussing a specific topic. Usually, the agendas are divided into multiple sessions, such as keynote speeches, panel discussions, breakout sessions, networking dynamics, and more. 

  • Masterclasses, Masterminds, and Seminars

This type of session allows brands, companies, and industry influencers to show off their expertise in a specific area and establish themselves as thought leaders. These are educational events where attendees can interact with experts through knowledge sharing and skill transfer dynamics.

Quick note: Virtual masterclasses, masterminds, and seminars are all online learning events, but they have some key differences:

A virtual masterclass is typically a focused, in-depth online class taught by an expert in a specific field. It aims to help attendees develop a certain skill through hands-on, interactive experiences. Masterclasses often include demonstrations, practical exercises, and personalized feedback from the expert. 

A virtual mastermind involves collaborative learning experiences, where a group shares ideas, insights, and best practices in a particular field. The attendees have the same goals and interests and work together to help each other achieve their objectives. These sessions include group discussions, brainstorming dynamics, and accountability check-ins. 

Finally, a virtual seminar is a formal, lecture-style presentation on a specific topic, typically led by an industry expert. Seminars are excellent for providing an overview or introduction to a particular subject, including panel discussions and Q&A sessions. 

In other words, virtual masterclasses focus on hands-on learning and skill development, virtual masterminds emphasize collaboration and peer learning, and virtual seminars offer a more formal presentation and overview of a topic or theme.

  • Fireside Chats

An online fireside chat represents an informal conversation between two or more people who analyze and discuss someone’s experience regarding a certain subject matter or industry. They provide a more relaxed and conversational format. 

Professionals run online fireside chats to connect with their audiences more personally. This format is excellent for discussing industry trends and experiences, sharing insights, and providing updates.  

  • Training and Workshops

Virtual training and workshops are typically structured events with a pre-defined agenda and specific learning goals. This type of online gathering is designed to help attendees acquire new skills and knowledge they can apply to their immediate situation. They’re usually led by an instructor or facilitator who guides people through multiple activities, lectures, and discussions to achieve an educational goal. 

  • Product Launches 

A virtual product launch is an online event intended to introduce a new product or service to a market or audience. This type of virtual event features product demonstrations, presentations, and Q&A sessions. They’re excellent for building excitement around new products or features. 

  • Award Ceremonies

This type of ceremony is an online event that acknowledges and celebrates the achievements of customers, partners, employees, or brands in a specific industry or field. It’s used to increase brand loyalty and develop positive associations with the company. 

  • Trade Shows 

A virtual trade show gathers companies and professionals to showcase and demonstrate products or services. Usually, brands run these to build connections with industry stakeholders by providing them opportunities for lead generation.

  • Networking Events 

A virtual networking event offers space for professionals to connect and build or nurture meaningful relationships with others in their industry or field. 

  • All-Hands Meetings

With a virtual all-hands meeting, all company members and employees connect to discuss important topics, share updates, and ask questions. These types of meetings excel at fostering a sense of community and engaging or motivating employees.

  • Webinars 

Last but not least, webinars are virtual events by default, featuring online presentations or lectures on a specific topic, often followed by a Q&A session with the presenter. They often include live video or audio presentations, and participants can ask questions and provide feedback through chat features.

Quick note: Some argue that webinars don’t fit this category because they typically focus on a single presentation or topic and don’t offer the same level of interactivity as other types of virtual events. 

However, virtual events encompass various formats and dynamics, including webinars, as they allow people from all over the world to participate and interact with each other in real time. 

Webinars offer a valuable platform for online learning, collaboration, and knowledge sharing and are an increasingly popular avenue for connecting with people across the globe.

Main Characteristics Defining Virtual Events

Although some characteristics overlap, virtual events are distinctly different from in-person events. Here’s a list of attributes that define this type of gathering, along with its management protocols. 

  • Global Outreach

Virtual events allow companies and brands to connect with a global audience easily, regardless of geographic location or time zone. Moreover, they enable professionals to share their knowledge and expertise on this massive scale, creating unique opportunities for engagement with target audiences. 

  • Customization

Virtual events allow better customization of messaging and experiences based on the attendee profile. For example, they can offer personalized recommendations, curated content, and targeted messages based on the attendee’s interests, behavior, and engagement history. This level of tailoring creates a more engaging and relevant experience for each attendee, increasing both their satisfaction and likelihood of returning for future events. 

  • Flexibility 

Depending on the management technology companies use, these online gatherings can accommodate a large number of attendees from all over the world without the need for additional resources such as venue rental or staff. 

  • High Engagement 

One of the key benefits of virtual events is their high level of interactivity. They can incorporate various engaging features such as live polls, chat rooms, handouts, calls to action, Q&A sessions, and breakout rooms. All these elements allow attendees to participate in the event and actively connect with others. 

  • Enhanced Analytics and Data Collection

Virtual events provide detailed information on audience behavior, such as attendance rates, session duration, and engagement levels. Companies can use this data to understand attendee preferences, interests, and behavior and craft more effective and targeted content for future events.

  • Better Marketing and Revenue Attribution 

With virtual events, brands can easily track the effectiveness of their marketing campaigns and measure revenue attribution through registration, ticket sales, and lead or customer conversion data. This gives companies a clearer overview of their events’ ROI so they can make more informed decisions about future marketing investments.

  • High Cost-Efficiency 

Compared to in-person events, virtual ones are highly cost-effective without cutting into a company’s marketing strategy. For example, virtual events have no costs associated with travel, venue rental, catering, or staffing. 

How Companies Grow by Running Virtual Events

Brands should include virtual events as part of their revenue and growth efforts, as they’ll sustain and drive results throughout all stages of the buyer’s journey. We’ve broken down the major growth benefits companies can derive from virtual events below. 

  • Increased Brand Awareness 

By hosting multiple virtual events, companies can break through the online noise and increase brand visibility to reach a wider audience. This is achieved through various marketing channels, such as social media, email, and advertising. The more people who attend and engage with the event, the greater brand awareness your brand can generate.

  • Ignite Rich Conversations 

Virtual events allow companies to connect and engage with their target audiences in real time. Craft engaging content and interactive sessions to spark conversations with attendees and build relationships with potential customers. As a result, you build trust, which can result in sales (since people tend to purchase from brands they have a connection with). 

  • Attract High-Quality Leads 

Virtual events attract leads who are genuinely interested in your products or services. Through targeted marketing and content, you can attract attendees who are likely to become community members and customers. After the event, continue to nurture these leads through follow-up emails, personalized offers, and other marketing efforts.

Quick note: A strong virtual events strategy will allow you to draw in high-quality leads long after the online sessions end, as you can offer your content on demand

  • Showcase the Product

Virtual events enable more immersive and interactive showcasing of products or services than traditional marketing methods. By offering live demos, virtual tours, and other engaging sessions, attendees gain a better understanding of a brand’s products and how they work, which can generate more revenue. 

  • Opportunities for Cross-sells and Upsells

Online gatherings provide the chance for companies to offer additional products or services. You can increase sales by showcasing related products or offering exclusive discounts to online attendees. 

Moreover, virtual events allow brand representatives to engage in one-on-one networking meetings with existing customers and discuss the possibility of providing extra solutions, packages, or features to their current contract. 

  • Strengthen Brand Loyalty 

The online environment creates the space companies need to connect with their existing customers and strengthen these relationships. By offering exclusive content, personalized offers, and other perks, brands show appreciation for their customers and encourage their continued loyalty.

  • Build a Brand Community 

Build a community of like-minded individuals who share your values and interests through virtual events. By constructing an environment for attendees to connect and engage with each other, you foster a sense of belonging and produce brand advocates who’ll spread the good word about your products and services.

Challenges of Running Virtual Events 

Although virtual events are advantageous in terms of management and growth, they also come with a few obstacles. Here are some issues teams may encounter when planning and hosting virtual events: 

  • Asynchronous Communication 

Virtual events require effective communication and collaboration within teams, but asynchronous communication can pose significant challenges, especially if individual members are in different countries and time zones. This may produce delays in decision-making and misunderstandings, which potentially hinder your event’s success. 

  • Efficient Coordination of Speakers

Virtual events often involve multiple speakers, and coordinating their schedules and presentations can be challenging. Ensuring they all have access to the necessary technology and resources, rehearse their presentations, and efficiently manage their time can require a great deal of effort and careful planning.

  • Attendee Attention & Fatigue 

For attendees, sitting in front of their screens for extended periods of time becomes tiring. They may experience fatigue and need help maintaining their attention, especially if the event content isn’t engaging or interactive.

  • Poor Networking  

Virtual events need more personal interaction and organic networking opportunities than in-person events. Attendees may miss out on connecting with others, engaging in small talk, and building organic relationships, and that then diminishes the value of their attendance at your session.

  • Time Zone Differences

As we’ve discussed previously, virtual events often attract audiences from all over the world, which can make it challenging to find a suitable time that works for everyone. You may need to schedule events at odd hours or find creative ways to accommodate attendees in different time zones.

  • Technical Issues 

Technology is the backbone of virtual events and unfortunately can be unpredictable and prone to problems. As such, you must have contingency plans to address technical issues quickly and efficiently. Also, your virtual events platform should be reliable and provide a strong technical support team during the event. 

Failure to address these challenges will negatively impact the quality of your attendees’ experience and likely leave a lasting bad impression. A poorly executed virtual event can result in low attendance rates, disengaged audiences, and negative brand perception. 

To prevent this, you must design a detailed virtual events management plan that considers all aspects of the event, from content and speakers to technology and attendee engagement. 

Virtual Events Management: Three Elements To Reduce Uncertainty

Virtual events management comprises various activities focused on planning, organizing, and executing online gatherings. Crafting a solid virtual events management plan is crucial to reduce planning uncertainty and ensure the smooth operation of technology and equipment throughout the event. 

You should base your plan on three foundational areas that need attention at all event stages. 

  • Logistics 

The logistics entail streamlining workflows for producing the event agenda, building event marketing campaigns, managing online registration, designing engagement and participation dynamics, and more. Lean logistics are essential to your virtual events management plan, as they ensure an efficient and effective planning process. 

  • Communication 

Clear communication is a crucial component of successful virtual events management. With so many moving parts involved in planning and executing an online event, it’s essential to establish open channels among all stakeholders, including organizers, attendees, vendors, and hosts. 

Simple and timely communication helps ensure everyone knows their responsibilities, timelines, and expectations, in turn minimizing the risk of misunderstandings, errors, or missed deadlines. Additionally, it promotes transparency and accountability, which allows organizers to identify and resolve issues promptly and thus produce a more seamless and engaging experience for all.

  • Coordination 

While logistics gathers the moving pieces of a virtual event, coordination brings all these elements together to produce a cohesive and successful event. This includes setting schedules and timelines, and allocating resources to ensure everything runs smoothly during the event. 

It also involves managing unexpected changes or challenges and adapting quickly to guarantee success. Efficient coordination of all event aspects helps you achieve your objectives while providing a fun, enjoyable experience for your audience. 

Virtual Events Management: Before the Event

Many people argue the pre-event timeline is the most challenging part of the planning process. And no wonder: Starting from scratch and mapping out all elements can be daunting. 

The pre-event timeline is the backbone of the entire planning process; it involves designing and setting up the virtual event itself. A lot of careful consideration and attention to detail is necessary at this point. Here’s what your pre-event management should look like: 

► Logistics

Pre-event logistics entails overseeing and guiding personnel, resources, and processes toward a specific goal, such as providing a memorable and impactful experience for your attendees. To start, you have to construct a virtual events project, identifying and agreeing upon the following aspects:

  • Planning Team

Your planning team is vital to the efficacy of your virtual event management, as those people oversee and coordinate the entire experience. You need to determine who’ll best fit the planning team. Be clear when assigning specific roles to your members. Robust virtual event management requires a dedicated, skilled, and experienced team.

Depending on the size and complexity of your event, you may need to bring in additional people or volunteers to help with various tasks. This includes technical support, breakout room moderators, and customer service. 

  • Budget 

You must determine the resources required for your event and allocate your budget accordingly. This includes costs associated with the virtual events platform, marketing campaign, speakers, equipment, and staffing. Be realistic when setting your budget and retain enough resources to deliver a high-quality experience. 

  • Equipment 

Due to their digital nature, virtual events require cameras, microphones, lighting, and a reliable internet connection. You might consider renting a studio that includes professional hardware as well. Determine what equipment you’ll need  and ensure you have everything ready before the event starts. If you need to rent equipment, do so well in advance.

  • Event Type and Structure 

Decide on the type of virtual event you’ll be hosting and its structure. Will it be a conference, a webinar, a product launch, a networking event, etc.? Will it be a one-day or multi-day event? Think about the event’s format, the number of sessions, and how it’ll flow.

  • Event Content 

Develop engaging and relevant content for your event. Consider what your target audience would be interested in and what will keep them engaged throughout the session. Rehearse your content to be confident its delivery is clear, concise, and aligns with attendee expectations and your overall event goals.

  • Agenda

Create a detailed agenda outlining the order and timing of all sessions and activities. Leave room for breaks and Q&A sessions, and ensure the timing of each segment is reasonable and realistic. 

  • Interactive Features

Incorporate interactive features such as polls, Q&A sessions, and chat rooms to keep attendees engaged throughout the event. These also provide opportunities for people to connect with other audience members and event speakers.

  • Speakers

Select knowledgeable and engaging speakers who can deliver content that aligns with your event goals. Ensure your speakers are well prepared and equipped to deliver their presentations virtually.

  • Sponsors 

If you plan to have sponsors for your virtual event, hone in on potential brands, companies, and influencers who can provide you with financial support, then assemble attractive sponsorship packages that’ll have them racing to say yes.

  • Virtual Events Platform

Choose a virtual events platform that meets the needs of your event and provides a user-friendly and seamless experience for attendees, speakers, and sponsors alike. Partnering with the right virtual event technology, such as Demio, is an influential part of your success.

  • Marketing Campaign

Develop a marketing campaign that promotes your event and encourages attendance. Leverage social media, email marketing, and other digital marketing channels to reach your target audience and generate excitement for your virtual event

► Communication 

Communication before the event should include active engagement with all virtual event stakeholders to ensure they understand the event details, expectations, and requirements. 

It also helps build excitement and anticipation for the event and can address any potential concerns or questions before the day arrives. Here’s what your pre-event communication plan should feature: 

  • In-House Team

Effective communication with your internal team keeps everyone on the same page and aware of their roles and responsibilities. The pre-event communication plan should include regular team meetings, status updates, and clear expectations for each team member.

  • Volunteers

Depending on the size and complexity of the event, you may need to recruit volunteers to assist with various tasks. Give them clear instructions on their roles and responsibilities, training sessions, and ongoing support throughout the event. Help volunteers feel prepared and equip them with the necessary tools to handle any challenges that may arise.

  • Speakers

Craft clear guidelines on the event’s presentation format, timing, and logistics, including how to connect to the virtual platform, audio and video requirements, and any other technical details. It’s also important to communicate the event goals and expectations, as well as support speakers to deliver a high-quality presentation.

  • Attendees

Marketing communications are a must to generate excitement and anticipation for the event. They’re also an easy way to explain instructions for accessing the virtual platform and participating in the event. Tailor communications to different types of attendees, such as VIPs, first-timers, and returning attendees, to ensure a positive experience.

  • Sponsors

Along with your goals, target audience, and expected outcomes, it’s also important to provide attractive sponsorship packages with tangible benefits for partners, such as logo placement, speaking opportunities, and access to attendee data.

  • Partners

Partners are organizations that work with the event organizers to provide additional support or resources. Your pre-event communication plan should thus update them regularly on the event planning process and offer opportunities for partners to get involved and actively support the event.

  • Media

Effective communication with media outlets is crucial to generate awareness for the event and attract attendees and sponsors. Inform relevant channels about the event goals, target audience, expected outcomes, and any exciting or newsworthy aspects. 

Note that you must identify and reach out to your desired media outlets and journalists and provide them with press releases, media kits, and other materials that will help them promote the event.


Pre-event coordination unites your various teams, volunteers, sponsors, partners, and speakers to run an memorable virtual event. 

Coordinators like the Head of Events or Senior Events Manager must ensure all parts of a project or process work together smoothly and efficiently. They may have little authority over the people or resources they coordinate, but they’re responsible for ensuring everyone works together effectively. Here’s what you’ll want to consider during pre-event coordination: 

  • Set Attainable Deadlines 

Set deadlines for different tasks. They should be specific, achievable, and communicated clearly to everyone involved. Deadlines will ensure the planning process stays on course and is completed on time.

  • Monitor Progress

Check the progress of the planning process to ensure everything proceeds according to schedule. Keep an eye on different teams to verify they’ll meet their deadlines. If there are delays, intervene and develop solutions to keep the planning process moving forward.

  • Facilitate Interactions Between Stakeholders

Promote effective communication and collaboration between those involved in your virtual event. This aspect includes regular meetings, clear assignment of duties, and tackling any concerns or conflicts that arise.

  • Identify Unexpected Elements 

Pre-event coordination also involves anticipating unforeseen occurrences that may affect the event, such as last-minute changes in the agenda. Develop a contingency plan to handle unexpected factors.

Virtual Events Management: During the Event

During the event, virtual event management is the process of overseeing and coordinating all aspects of the event while it happens. All the hard work and preparation beforehand culminate in an engaging and memorable online experience. 

You have to take care of the technical aspects of the event platform and ensure all attendees, speakers, sponsors, and vendors are properly connected and able to participate in the event. At this stage, you need to be prepared to address any technical issues or challenges, such as internet connectivity issues, audio or video problems, or other technical glitches. 

In addition to managing the technical aspects, you’re also responsible for guaranteeing the event itself runs smoothly and according to plan. You must be ready to make quick decisions and pivot as needed to keep the event on track and meet the expectations of your stakeholders. It may seem overwhelming, so to help ease the burden, we’ve broken down the must-haves for your virtual event management during the event:

► Logistics 

Logistics during the session includes managing all the technical and non-technical aspects, including: 

  • Technical equipment and resources: Guarantee all the technical equipment (e.g., cameras, microphones, and lighting) are in working condition and that all the necessary software, platforms, and internet connection function correctly. 
  • Resource management: This entails coordinating with speakers to confirm their presentations are uploaded on time and that their equipment works well.
  • Event agenda: Manage the schedule of all the sessions, including breakout sessions and networking events. This way, you’ll feel confident they’re on time and properly sequenced. 
  • Attendee engagement: Encourage attendees to participate in the event by managing live chat and Q&A sessions, as well as other interactive activities like polls, games, and social media contests.

► Communication 

How do you communicate with your virtual event stakeholders during the event? How do you keep your attendees engaged? How do you tackle possible issues your vendors or exhibitors may have during a session? How do you make sure your speakers do their part while having an enjoyable time? 

Communication during your virtual event is crucial for guaranteeing all stakeholders remain informed and engaged and have a positive experience. To stay in contact with stakeholders during the event, virtual event managers can embrace a mix of the following strategies. 

  • Use Backup Channels 

Establish multiple channels through which you can reach your speakers or volunteers. For example, you could create Slack and WhatsApp speakers, teams, or volunteer groups. If something happens and you need to communicate fast, you’ll have multiple avenues to connect with your virtual event stakeholders en masse.

Having backup interaction channels is crucial to ensure everyone is informed and able to participate in the event, even if there are technical issues or other unexpected challenges. 

  • Address Issues Proactively

You may assign someone to monitor your virtual event and chat constantly, keeping an eye out for potential issues or challenges. They should also be prepared to address any concerns or questions people have quickly and effectively.

  • Provide Clear and Concise Instructions

Offer granular information about your virtual event, including details on how to: 

  • Access the event 
  • Connect backstage 
  • Navigate the platform
  • Participate in different activities
  • Engage in networking sessions 

Clear instructions help everyone gain the most out of their experience, so include materials such as: 

  • Step-by-step guides
  • Video tutorials
  • Infographics

Help people navigate the platform and participate in all event activities. 

 ► Coordination 

One critical aspect of coordination during the event is developing a minute-by-minute plan outlining its various aspects. Let’s take them one by one: 

  • Activity Timeline

The timeline should detail the start and end times for each activity, including breaks and transition periods, to keep the event on schedule.

  • Responsible

Each activity should have a designated person or team responsible for planning, execution, and coordination.

  • Speakers and Presentations

Give each speaker or presenter a time slot and topic, and feature their name and title in the activity timeline. It’s also essential to ensure all speakers have the necessary equipment and materials, such as a microphone or presentation slides.

  • Backstage Rooms

These are rooms or areas where the speakers and session hosts can meet before going live to discuss last-minute details. For better coordination, connect with speakers and hosts 15 minutes before the activity starts. This way, you’ll provide enough time for preparation plus a small buffer, allowing you to pivot if someone doesn’t show up. 

  • Session Switch 

This refers to the movement between different sessions or activities. It’s essential to plan how this will occur, such as using clear signals or announcements to indicate when one session ends and another begins. This helps keep the event on schedule and informs your speakers and hosts when and where they should be for each activity.

Virtual Events Management: After the Event

At this stage, virtual events management involves post-event activities to evaluate your session’s overall performance and gather feedback for future decisions. Once the event is over, your virtual events management should focus on the following aspects: 

► Logistics

The after-event logistics refers to wrapping up and completing all the necessary tasks following a virtual event. These tasks may include:

  • Launching Surveys 

Surveys effectively gather feedback from attendees and stakeholders to evaluate your virtual event’s success and identify areas in need of improvement. Survey questions may cover the event’s content, format, overall experience, and attendee demographics and interests.

  • Analyzing Attendee Data

Analyzing attendee data helps you understand your audience’s demographics and interests, which then informs your future event planning and marketing efforts. This step should also include reviewing registration and attendance rates, attendee engagement levels, and survey responses.

  • Evaluating Event ROI

Calculate your virtual event’s return on investment to learn your efforts’ impact and make informed decisions about future investments. This step often looks at data such as the cost of producing the event, the revenue generated, and the overall impact on brand awareness and engagement.

  • Repurposing Your Virtual Event Content 

You can extend your event’s life and reach new audiences by repurposing its content. This could take the form of creating blog posts, social media content, or other marketing materials using event recordings, highlights, or other content.

► Communication 

Your communication after the event entails following up with all stakeholders, from attendees and exhibitors to speakers and sponsors, to maintain engagement and nurture newly established connections. Here’s how you can do it: 

  • Organize a Debriefing Meeting With Your Team

Your debriefing session should include: 

  • Reflecting on the event
  • Discussing what went well and what could be improved
  • Identifying areas for growth and development

The meeting provides an opportunity to gather feedback from team members, pinpoint any issues that may have arisen during the event, and make improvements for future sessions. 

Debriefing is also an effective way to boost team morale and foster collaboration and shared responsibility. By debriefing after an event, you can learn from your team’s experience and ensure you’re better prepared for future virtual events.

  • Follow Up With Attendees

To maintain engagement and build relationships, it’s vital to follow up with attendees. This can include sending personalized thank-you emails, providing access to event materials and resources, and soliciting feedback through surveys or other feedback mechanisms.

  • Re-Engage Your Speakers

Speakers can be valuable assets for future events, so it’s important to retain a positive relationship with them. You should thank them for participation, share attendee feedback, and invite them to participate in future events.

  • Promote Your Post-Event Content 

Promoting your post-event content helps you increase brand awareness and attract new leads. For this step, you might share recordings of event sessions, offer videos on demand, craft blog posts or social media content highlighting key takeaways, or leverage email marketing to discuss industry trends identified during the virtual event.


Finally, in post-event coordination, you guarantee that all post-event tasks and activities are completed, including sending thank-you messages to speakers and participants, conducting surveys to gather feedback, analyzing event data, managing the budget and expenses, and creating a final report that summarizes the event’s success and identifies areas for improvement. Post-event coordination also involves following up on any action items specified during the debriefing process and ensuring they’re completed. 

Virtual events management involves multiple tasks and requires significant time and effort. However, in most cases, you can simplify the process by selecting the right virtual events platform. 

Choosing the Right Virtual Events Technology to Mitigate Risks

A robust platform makes virtual events management before, during, and after the event more efficient. The right technology can streamline logistics and simplify the supervision of various tasks, including registration, content delivery, and networking. This can save time and resources, reduce the risk of errors or technical issues, and ensure a seamless event experience. 

Further, your choice of virtual event platform will usually offer advanced features and tools that facilitate communication and collaboration among attendees, such as email marketing and engagement features. They also help you coordinate event activities and tasks.

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